
Exterior Wheelchair Lift in Boston Massachusetts
Here is a progression of photos taken during a recent vertical platform lift (wheelchair lift) installation near Boston. It’s a 4′ Savaria Multilift -which in this case will do the same job as a 40+ foot long aluminum ramp (the alternative solution). It’s a pretty typical installation. We usually need to excavate a site for a concrete pad strong enough to support the lift, install a retaining...

Bracing for the Falls of and Aging Nation
Here is a very interesting article in the NY Times, by Katie Hafner.SAN FRANCISCO — Eleanor Hammer, 92, executes a tightly choreographed, slow-motion pas de deux with her walker during meal times at The Sequoias, a retirement community here. She makes her way to the buffet, places her food on the walker’s built-in tray and returns to her table. Her small act of independence has not come easily....

A Dramatic Transformation
We just finished a bathroom renovation project for a couple of sisters -one of whom was returning from rehab in a wheelchair and could not navigate the bathroom or stairs to her bedroom. The ladies are in their early nineties and have had trouble keeping up with maintenance on their home so a local social welfare organization called us in to assess the house. After confirming that we could make...